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We believe that caring for one another is both a joy and a shared responsibility.

What kind of things does the Pastoral Care team do?

  • Some people act as pastoral care visitors and keep in touch with unwell or isolated members of the church community by phone, email or in person.
  • We help to arrange and support funeral and memorial services, working with the family and with Rev. Don Parsons, minister of Pastoral Care.
  • We have run a popular speaker series called Embracing Aging which educates seniors and their families on a variety of topics relevent to this time of life.
  • We plan and organize seniors lunches twice per year (suspended during COVID)
  • We create and deliver special gift bags to our Super Seniors at Easter and Christmas packed with treats, handmade items and a newsy letter to help those without technology keep up to date with happenings at the church.
What do current volunteers say about the work they do?

Our team members genuinely care for one another and for folks within our church community. “Love your neighbour” is core to our values. Often, we are helping members of our community through difficult times. While some might think of that as challenging, it is a blessing to be part of someone’s journey.

We have found innovative, caring ways to remain connected and to let people know how much we care – our recent delivery of gifts to our seniors – adorable little wool sheep lovingly knitted by various members of our team and others among our ESG community (some who took up knitting for the first time) is a perfect example.

How would my skills and interests fit this team?

First and foremost, compassion is fundamental to offering care. A genuine interest in people, kindness, caring and having a strong listening ear are all attributes that serve this line of volunteerism well. Much of what is shared on our team is sensitive and, most often, confidential. As such, it is important that those on the team understand the need for confidentiality and are well able to exercise discretion.

I want to get involved! Who do I contact?

Contact Arlene Duncan. Arlene is our volunteer lead and can help you learn more about joining in the work of this dedicated team.

How blessed we are at ESG to have our Pastoral Care Team. To my recent serious medical problems they brought listening ears, caring hearts, muffins and hugs. What a healing ministry!