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Ways to Give
Generously contributing as we unite to collectively discover our way.
Easily make a donation in a format that is convenient for you.
Monthly giving helps ESG the most as it allows us to predict our budget and continue offering our programs and vital ministry. You may also wish to give a special single donation to ESG. We are grateful for your support whatever you choose to do! You can give monthly or make a one-time donation using one of these options:

Give Via E-Transfer

Make an e-transfer donation to Provide your name and the designation (local, M&S, music) of your gift in the comments field.

Donate via Canada Helps:

Make monthly or one-time donations from your credit card via Canada Helps. Access the form here:

Donate by Par

Make monthly donations from your bank account or credit card

Select which ESG mission you would like to fund. Access the PAR form here.

Donate by Cheque:

Donate by cheque to Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd., Toronto, ON M4R 1L2

Donating Securities

Donate our publicly traded securities. Click here to learn more.

Planned Giving

A Planned Gift is a gift made from a person Learn more.

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