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Welcome to ESG United Church! As an affirming church, we are committed to providing our community with a welcoming and progressive space. We strive to extend our offerings beyond conventional expectations.

How Can ESG Support Your Personal growth?

Our purposeful services cater to a spectrum of preferences, ranging from traditional religious practices to uplifting community encounters. We allow individuals to craft personal journeys within the ESG community. Whether you’re in a younger stage seeking a blend of faith-based activities and socializing, navigating family life, or a Boomer exploring new ways to contribute, we invite you to join our inclusive community at any stage of your life’s journey.



Borne from a deep passion and concern for the well-being of the human spirit.


Fosters relationships grounded in a spiritual foundation. Powerful connections that nurture belonging, self-love and love for others, honesty, and trust.


Enocuraging and upholding a judgement free zone against discrimination and social justice.


Believing in you to be better and your ability to fulfill what has yet to be imagined.

Discover, your way with the ESG United Community

Through our programs, we allow for a variety of options that help you consider your interests and make a decision that way. From Pickleball classes to gardening programs, you are sure to find something for you.

Family Ministry

When life gets busy, we want you and your entire family from ages 0-99, to have a space to get away from the 

Astounding Choir

Whether you love to sing or enjoy the beautiful sounds of the choir, we offer concerts seasonally, and Sunday choir every single week.

The United Church of Canada

The United Church of Canada is a church with a rich, progressive, and continuing history of welcoming all in the name of Christ.

The United Church of Canada came together in 1925, through a union of Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and other Christian churches – one of the first ecumenical unions in the world to bring together major Christian denominations into one body.

“We are not alone,” is the first line of “A New Creed,” one of our statements of belief. The United Church of Canada has a long history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations – wherever you are in your faith journey. Learn more on their website.

The North Toronto Cluster
At ESG we believe in expanding beyond our walls, not only through our digital approach to our services, but by sharing with our local United Church community as well. We belong to the North Toronto Cluster, a group of ten congregations service located in the Yonge Eglinton corridor.
Just 7.5 kilometres separates us at the furthest points. We’re good neighbours who offer, for example, a traveling study group that moves from congregation to congregation to inspire learning on a wide variety of topics. Learn more at the North Toronto Cluster’s website.